Switch using HTML CSS and JavaScript

I have created on/off switch with background changing effect Using #html #css and javascript. Below is HTML file Code. CSS Code Below is CSS file Code.  Below is JS file Code. 

To Do List Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

HTML Code In this tutorial you will learn to create simple to do list using html css and basic javascript. This to do list have functionality to add list, delete list and cross mark done. Below is HTML file Code. CSS Code I have use simple design and app like design for creating this to […]

Social media ui button css tutorial

Hi Friends, In this blog you’ll figure out how to make Social Media Buttons with the help of HTML and CSS. The Social Media Links and Buttons let your site guests and content watchers to effortlessly impart your website to their favored online media associations and organizations. Adding these catches or connections to your website or Design permits you to […]