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How to Fetch Twitter Details | How to embed twitter to website using API | Twitter API v1.1

Get Twitter API in 2023 In today’s digital age, social media integration has become an essential aspect of website development. If you want to display real-time tweets on your website...

Boost Your Web Design Skills: 10 CSS Tricks That Will Blow Your Mind!

10 Mind-Blowing Tricks to Elevate Your Web Design Skills As a web developer, you recognize that CSS is a critical language for developing lovely and purposeful websites. CSS, or Cascading Style...

Creating Engaging Web Animations with HTML and CSS: A Simple Snake Animation Example

Adding animations to a web page is a fantastic way to make it more visually appealing and engaging for users. In this code, we demonstrate a simple yet captivating animation created using HTML and...

Center a div like a Pro: 4 Essential Techniques You Must Master in CSS

Are you looking to center a div on your webpage and not sure how to do it? Look no further than the following four methods that can help you achieve this goal. Introduction Centering a div in HTML and...

Neumorphic Design: Revolutionize Your Login Experience with Cutting-Edge Techniques

Neumorphic design has taken the web design world by storm with its elegant, soft, and subtle effect. In this blog, we will discuss how to create a Neumorphic login form design with an example. What is...

Neumorphic Card Design: An Elegant UI Solution

Discover the Power of Neumorphic Card Design for Your UI If you’re looking for a design that will truly make your website stand out, you may want to consider implementing neumorphic cards. This...

Responsive card design in HTML and CSS

HTML Code Create a wrapper class and add your cards inside it. I have use Flexbox for creating responsive card design. Below is HTML file Code. CSS Code Watch the Below Video for a...

Social Media UI button | CSS Tutorial

HTML Code Create a button group and add different button section inside it. Below is HTML file Code. CSS Code Below is CSS file Code.  Watch Below Video for Detail Understanding...

Create Custom Shape Design using SVG and CSS​​

Create Custom Shape Design using SVG and CSS​ In this  tutorial, you will learn, how to create a custom shape div using SVG and CSS in just a few minutes. HTML Code At first, I’m going to create...